Sunday, December 27, 2009


I have to admit I was feeling down lately. Well... sign that I need to continue my psycotherapy. Hehehe.

But I am okay now. What did I do to lighten up my mood? I counted my blessings. And guess what popped in to my mind when I asked myself what blessings do I have?

Friends. Come to think of it I do have few but awesome friends. Friends that are tested not only by trials but also by time. So, this is to salute those we made me stand when I feel down.

1. Vida. My wife is really an angel. She always understands me and encourages me. I wonder what will make her mad. I guess none. :-)

2. Glenda. My sister is also an angel. She's the one who can criticize me and yet I won't feel offended. It's because I know that she really loves me.

3. Kiko. He was my roommate in Narra Residence Hall at UP Diliman. It was 1994. At first I thought we won't be good friends because I really find it hard to read his mind or to know what he's thinking. He has this mysterious aura

4. Charie Guinto-Shearer. I call her Bro even is she's a lady. Well, probably it is because I can really connect with her without hang ups even though she's in the opposite gender. We really stick with each other through thick and thin. We fight together when we want to fight. The funny thing is we argue a lot! Well, at least, she taught me how to argue without being pissed off. :-) We became bestfriends in 1989.

5. Russel. We haven't had the chance to be classmates because she's an english major while I was a student of Philosophy. We just met at the library. But I feel that I can really connect with her. Probably because she's frank. That was 1990.

6. Mitzi. Although we are no longer as close as before because... of course... she has her family now I still feel blessed to have those happy years in college because of friends like her. Thanks Mitzi!

7. Carlo. I met him in Theater. We were both assigned to work for props. He's really a cool guy! I remember when we both have to work for props overnight and when the time for him to go home came he asked me if I want him to bring an extra shirt so that I can take a bath in the back stage. Thanks, Carlo, for that act of kindness! :-) I also remember that he helped me to bag an acting part in one of the productions. He was working then as PM (Production Manager) and I audtioned for the said play. I have this inkling that I got that part because he talked to the Director. :-) Was it 1990?

8. Andrew. One thing that I can say is that he really is a true friend. :-) I've known him for more than a decade now.

9. Melanie. My buddy for life! :-)

Guys, thanks for making my life interesting and happy. :-)

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