Saturday, December 12, 2009

Arthur Schopenhauer

I've been an Arthur Schopenhauer reader since my teen years.

Arthur Schopenhauer was born in Germany in 1788 and he died in 1860. He taught Philosophy at the University of Berlin were Hegel was also teaching. Hegel was so popular that his classes was jampacked while Schopenhaur's classes were empty.

One of his contentions that I really like is his discussion about suicide. He admired those people who committed suicide by saying that they are really courageious because they are not afraid of even death itself. He even argued that suicide cannot be a crime since what punishment can we give to a man who is not afraid of death.

He also advanced in one of his papers that "the only consolation that we have is that someone is suffering more than we are right now. And that someone's consolation is that another person is suffering more than he is... ad infinitum. And that will give us to endless regress.

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