Sunday, July 29, 2007

Funny! Funny! Funny!

A funny thing happened to me yesterday. One of my students approached me and told me, "Teacher, I can't understand your pronunciation. Please speak like an American." (Actually, she said that with incorrect grammar. What she actually said was, "Can't understand teacher pronunciation. Please speak American."
Imagine? A Cambodian teenager who is having difficulty constructing even a simple sentence is asking me to speak like an American!
What struck me more is that she said it seriously. She was not joking. She was dead serious!
I replied, "I am a Filipino. I am not an American. I've been to seven countries already. And I haven't had difficulty interacting with others in English. People I talked to understood me well (I suppose)! I had interactions with American missionaries and some of my former teachers in Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary are Americans. So, I guess, my pronunciation is acceptable. You can stop me during lectures if you can't understand what I am saying and I will explain it clearly and slowly."
Come to think of it, it is not about whether I am good or not in English. It is about the color of my skin! It is because I am brown! You see, we have black people teaching here. They are from Sudan, Zimbabwe and Nigeria. Students never complain about their pronunciation. Is my pronunciation bad as compared to other teachers? I guess not.
It is just that I am brown and they look at their own color condescendingly. They think that blacks and caucasians are better than brown people.
What should I do then?
I can't do anything.
Changing their perspective is a gargantuan task.
Just endure their "colonial mentality" or "alienating culture"". The culture that says that mine is worst and others are excellent.
What a sad fate for the brown race.

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